Street Soccer Scotland

Street Soccer Scotland

Positive Change through football

Project Overview

Street Soccer Scotland provide a range of football themed training & personal development opportunities for socially disadvantaged groups across Scotland. By inspiring people to be all they can be on and off the pitch, this increases people's motivation for life and success, which in turn helps them develop as a person, increasing confidence, self esteem, self efficacy all whilst developing trust .

Street Soccer Scotland provide a range of football themed training & personal development opportunities for socially disadvantaged groups across Scotland.

Street Soccer Scotland provide a range of football themed training & personal development opportunities for socially disadvantaged groups across Scotland.

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Kick off

(Pun intended!) We sat down as a group & reviewed the look and feel of the current Street Soccer site. We discussed the bits the client liked, disliked and the areas they wish worked differently or better.

Kick off

(Pun intended!) We sat down as a group & reviewed the look and feel of the current Street Soccer site. We discussed the bits the client liked, disliked and the areas they wish worked differently or better.

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Love it folks, very smart, easy to follow and engaging. Well done to all!

David Duke
Founder & Chief Executive

Love it folks, very smart, easy to follow and engaging. Well done to all!

David Duke
Founder & Chief Executive


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